Whatever path you take, you'll be choosing a path with a truly innovative company.It's how we lead an industry
Yes, we are industry leaders, and we do it together by bringing technology and people. Bringing together different ideas also delivers a better result, and there is greater strength in working together than just alongside one another.
Years of CRE Experience
in 2024
Offices in
13 Countries
Are you a student or recent graduate?
Learn more about our campus recruiting events and summer internship programs.
Our Brands
For more than 38 years, from offices, hospitality and industrial properties, to apartments, residential and retail, to land and businesses for sale, we cover the entire real-estate ecosystem, providing solutions that meet the needs of all of our audiences.

At CoStar Group there are lots of doors to open
This is where technology and data are used to shape an industry. Constantly evolving, we've been voted onto the Forbes Most Innovative Companies list and the Fortune Best Companies to Work for List — all great signs that we're a great choice.
Costar Group Culture and Benefits
We're proud to offer a competitive salary and benefits package wherever you work in our global business. We also provide education reimbursement opportunities and career progression supported by in-depth training.
In addition to these benefits, you'll experience a fast paced, collaborative environment where you can really shape your future with like-minded colleagues. Outside of the office, you can also take part in CoStar Group Builds, our philanthropy and outreach programs, which brings us all together to focus on community needs.